Traffic Skills 101

Traffic Skills 101

Mission + History
The San Diego County Bicycle Coalition advocates for and protects the rights of all people who ride bicycles. We promote bicycling as a mainstream, safe, and enjoyable form of transportation and recreation.

Since 1987, we have acted as voice for bicyclists in the region and have advocated for safer streets and hundreds of miles of bike paths, lanes and trails all across the San Diego region. We conduct educational programs, promote awareness of bicyclists and bicycling issues, review infrastructure improvements, and act as a voice for bicyclists to elected officials and decision makers all over San Diego County.


Traffic Skills 101 Classes (Urban Bicycling)

Click on the link and go to the San Diego County Bicycle Coalition to find the latest calendared events for Bicycle 101 in the classroom and on the road classes. These classes are listed under the title URBAN BICYCLING.

Join The Family!

We are a recreational organization for cycling enthusiasts in the North Coastal areas of San Diego County. We are committed to promoting safety, health, and fitness through our shared love of cycling.

Saturday Rides

Our rides begin at Mance Buchanon Park in Oceanside right off of College Blvd. Refer to our home page for the current Saturday ride time. 

NCV Latest News Blog

Check out the latest news, must reads, and sponsor updates from North Coast Velo.

North Coast Velo Saturday Rides

Rides begin promptly at 8:00 am at Mance Buchanon Park in Oceanside right off of College Blvd. An ANSI-SNELL approved bicycle helmet is required to ride with NCV.

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